Thursday, March 15, 2012

on the edge of breaking down

holyyyyyyyyyyyyy whuat holiday!
what was that.
so term break is finally here!

OKEY SO I FINALLY GOT MY WANNA BEE SWEET ETUDE ITEMS! *something i think a shawol should be totally proud of! ;) * ugh not all the products though! :(
i was dying to buy all of it the second it was out, but too bad i can't find it in Medan. so when i was in Singapore for a day, i was in a rush to i didn't get to go to Etude..and when i went to Jakarta they just have the old Sandara products, and when Medan got this SHINee products, i didn't want it cause they don't give free giveaways :( like SHINee etude diary, files and etc.

they only have 2 types of hand cream left! and the reason why i only bought 2 lip balm is..because i don't use lip balm, i sort of love to lick my lips, not because i want to be sexy, i dont look sexy while doing it, but because i find it uncomfortable to have dry lips, so it irritates the hell out of me thinking that i am licking and swallowing some lip balm. okey what am i saying -facepalm-
but i totally recommend you to buy those! :) it smells sooooooooooooooo goody goody!
and one thing that i find awkward about etude is the way they greet you when you enter their shop,you know that awkward moment when you enter etude and they greet you with " Welcome Princess ", even my mom finds it silly. i was freaked out and  i almost burst into laughter when they greeted me.

ohhh! biggy biggy thanks to Carissa! she told us about the member card :D
if you purchase for Rp500,000,00 or + you'll get a member card (20% *cough* ) and 50% on your birthday!
uh ok why am i promoting Etude..


just so you know, Claudia, Delfina and I are the admins of @WeLoveHum :P the first fan base for Xavier Ong, a super hot Singaporean, he is mostly known as @humsyourlife :) and the badge up there, Delfina said that it's contaminated by Xavier's saliva, so i should consider myself lucky? *pervert face*

i shouldn't be saying this ..but school is not that good. i mean i can feel some " hot " atmosphere going on.
fingers cross the fire will die soon?
i know i am not that great of a friend, but i hope you'll understand the position i am in too.
i am in a very awkward position, soooooooooooooooooooooo pwease :3
"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."  
/tears of joy
SHINee Sherlock Highlight medley is out! my heart nearly popped out while i was waiting for it!

there you go! so what do you think?!?! PFH, you should consider being a shawol if you're not one. teehee

this is going to be embarassing but,
happy birthday brooooooooo!

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